Powerade and Gatorade have always seemed to be the two biggest sports drinks. I always have wondered which one is more popular and what is really the difference between the both. The difference between the two is very small; powerade has higher sugar content and lower sodium content than Gatorade. Gatorade uses normal glucose where as PowerAde uses the glucose, polymers which is absorbed into the body faster. Gatorade also has a high level of sodium which is twice the amount has powerade the Gatorade does a better job replenishing sodium when athletes work uo a lot of sweat but powerade does have more sugar. PowerAde has 8gmscampered to Gatorade that’s has 6. This may be better for runners that work up a sweat because they need that sugar rush in the middle of a run rather than obtaining more salt. Runners can always get salt from certain foods. Gatorade is considered one of the first sports drinks that are formulated to replenish electrolytes which are lost through the sweat during heavy exercises.
These two sports drinks have always been in competition with each other and other drinks and have always been trying to be better than the other. The Pepsi company own Gatorade and the coca-cola company own poweredae. The goal of both the sports drinks is to offer the junior athlete what they think is cool, as well as to fulfill the traditional role of a sports drink: replace electrolytes and give the athletes carbohydrates. Both of the sports drinks are very competitive, but which one is more popular Gatorade has been everyone’s first choice lately .I’m not sure if it’s because of the advertisemts such as the star athletes drinking Gatorade and showing them sweat it out or is it the new flavors and the flashy lightning bolt through the G. It could also be the design of the bottle or the better colors. I do not really know if many people that buy the sport drinks even know the difference between the two. They could just be buying what’s the “cooler” one. Do more people buy Gatorade or powerade? And what makes them buy which one…. is it the flavors, taste or the advertisement?
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