We all know that fried food, candy, processed food or anything that is filled with saturated fat is bad for you and can lead to bad health. However as we all know many Americans cannot stop eating these foods and continue these bad habits because the foods are all around us. Most of us know the obvious but what can be difficult is what is really true and what is not, what’s the healthiest for you? Today is it very hard to believe what you read because everything is just about money, for instance if you are researching what to eat and when to eat the right foods it can become difficult. You may read one article and think okay steak is great for you it has plenty of protein but then you read something else it explains how steak can be fatty and only certain steaks are good for you but it can also be filled with bacteria. Everyone thinks fruit is good for you and great to eat but eating it at certain times can be bad for you because the amount of sugar fruit contains. The same thing with carbohydrates, a lot of people think eating a bowl of past or a piece of toast is great to have before the gym or after but it can’t always be. I’m always trying new things to see what works the best for my body. Something I recently have been trying and researching on is something called the Paleo Diet. When I first heard about this I thought to myself is this is just something else that somebody said to make money are the facts really true? Once I actually tried Paleo my body felt healthier than ever before and I realized I had become more energetic. The Paleo diet is also known as the Paleolithic diet or caveman diet. The diet is all about natural foods such as fruits, eggs vegetables, nuts. The human race had always been on this diet of low carbs, protein, natural fats, vegetables until unsaturated foods were introduced to our bodies. This article below explains more about the diet
You’ve come to the right place to learn all about the Paleo diet and lifestyle. Put simply, the Paleo diet is not just a diet that you follow to achieve a specific goal, but more a way of living in harmony with nature and our food to achieve great health in every aspects.
Our society has become detached to the food we’ve been eating in nature for millions of years that has allowed us to become a highly evolved species.
We call this diet the paleo diet because it includes the food that was available to us for most of our evolution during the paleolithic era, starting about 2.5 millions of years ago. The idea is that our genes and physiology evolved through the process of natural selection and are most adapted to be nourished with the food that we evolved around. That includes the whole spectrum of animal food (beef, fish, shellfish, poultry, pork, lamb, bison, …) including their fat and organs as well as eggs, vegetables and limited amounts of fruits and nuts.
On the opposite side, some of the foods that we started eating in large quantity since the beginning of the agricultural revolution about 10,000 years ago are completely alien to our genes and metabolism and wreak havoc in our body, often causing what we call the metabolic syndrome or diseases of civilization. That includes obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, auto-immune diseases, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s and a host of other conditions that were unknown to our ancestors while plaguing us today.
Some of the worst offenders in today’s diet are what’s actually recommended by governments and nutritionists because bad science and economic agendas have demonized things like saturated fat, cholesterol and red meat over the last decades. What we should really be eliminating in our diet aregrain products, excess sugar, vegetable oils, legumes and dairy, some which are at the very basis of the US food pyramid.The Paleo diet and lifestyle is not just based on imitating what our ancestors did, but also on real non-biased science and evidence. The habits of our healthy ancestors give us a good framework to study deeper and to try and find what our food really does to our bodies and how to live the longest and most vibrant lives.
Now this could just be another article to you ,but you never know until you try things for yourself. Everyone is different though and has different goals to reach so this healthy life style may not be for everyone. Do you think more people should try this diet or do you think there are too many ads and articles today that are filled with false facts?